Meditation: Building Strength from Within

By: Tiffanee Thompson

I’ve heard for many years that mediation is a helpful method when it comes to decreasing stress, refocusing the mind and becoming more in tune with your spirit. The way my mind races with to do lists, business ideas, books I need to read or people I need to call, sitting silently for 10-20 minutes seemed impossibly. It feels like the whole world is concentrated on finding ways to improve in all aspects of life. My personal universe is particularly in overload of that same mentality. Nearly every friend, co-worker and family member has turn on the switch and has become such huge advocates of change. This makes my heart happy, because the amount of resources that have stumbled my way are crazy and I love every bit of it. 

Aside from my efforts of physically improving, mediation (and prayer) have been a big concern for me. With the hustle and bustle of my life, anything that would help me de-clutter my mind definitely gets my attention. Oprah (my aunt in my head) has teamed up with Deepak Chopra for the past few months to present to the world a 21-day mediation retreat via her website. I’m not here to promote her mediation experience specifically, but to tap into why I feel this practice should be added to your daily routine. 

Mediation, for me, is solely about setting my day off properly. I usually meditate in the morning before I do anything else. It allows me to have a level of control over my thoughts and actions (and my day!) similar to the way I feel after I write. It releases that negativity energy and places me in the right head space to deal with anything that comes my way. In the beginning, I could not shut my brain off but I’ve learned that just like running I have to practice it daily. 

Lately, I have been relying on guided messages and online mediation experiences but mediation can actually become beneficial by creating your own experience:

Time and Space 

Understanding the necessity to sit alone is a gift from the heavens and is essential for mediation. If you are like me and find it difficult to clear your mind, finding a quiet and secluded place can definitely help. I have chosen the mornings as my time and a corner in my bedroom to practice this spiritual method because it is usually free of distractions. Do what works for you! 

Music / Instrumental (Optional) 

The sound of waves or light jazz music almost always sets me up for a quiet moment to become in tune with the moment and relax my mind. For me, dead silence gives too much opportunity for thoughts to rain on my parade so try some relaxing sounds of your choice to see the effect it may have on you. 


This is something I have picked up from Deepak and Oprah and some of the YouTube channels I have come across related to mediation. It is simply a word, phrase or sound that is reminiscent of a chant that you can repeat once your eyes are closed, you are sitting in a safe place and your music are all ready to go. It helps to become more aware of that particular moment and essential makes this activity more effective. 

I encourage you all to incorporate some of these tips into your time of solitude each day. It warrants some great strength, so find some “me time” because we all deserve it. The benefits I have received from practicing meditation daily include:
  • decrease in stress, 
  • the ability to let things go when faced with a difficult thought or situations,
  • a shift in thinking from one of discouragement and negativity to positivity and 
  • the ability to become my own cheerleader. 

Mediation allows me to become more in tune with the current moment, understanding that there is always a laundry list of things to do, but developing the patience and clarity needed to purpose the day with calm and peacefulness. 

How do you incorporate meditation into your life?

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