Friday Quick Tips: Best Conditioner for DRY Hair | The DIY Conditioner That Changed Everything

Have you been looking for the best conditioner to turn your dry hair from blah to luscious? Turns out it may be under your nose...

There's nothing like a home cooked meal, cake baked from scratch or a conditioner that makes your hair feel like butter that you can whip up in your own kitchen! In this case, making conditioner at home is the simplest  and greatest luxury your dry hair can get. And you don't have to leave the house and read through those long confusing ingredients on the back of the bottles at your local drug store to get it!

This Friday Quick Tip is quick, simple and sure to upgrade your hair life a notch!

Reignelle's Hair Like Butter Conditioner Treatment for Dry Hair

Here's what you'll need:

Pour all of the ingredients into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. You do not want any clumps in your conditioner (Mash the bananas beforehand if your blender isnt strong). Voila! It's ready.

You can pour your conditioner into an airtight container for up to 4 days.

Apply to freshly washed hair, and leave on for at least 30 mins with warm heat. Sitting under a warm dome dryer works best for me, but a warm towel will work short term.

This is one of my favorite conditioner recipes for dry hair that I absolutely love! The love is in the ingredients!

Try it and let me know what you think! Do you have a favorite hair recipe?

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